
So Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Is it safe for your dogs an can dogs eat bananas? This is a question that is commonly asked by dog owners all over the country and as the dog population grows here in the UK its an important one for pet owners to understand what foods are safe for their dog.

Most fruits are perfectly safe, but of course there are a few that could cause your dog a problem so we will explore this further. Like in humans a good balanced diet is recommended for long term health and so it’s the same for canines.

Fruit is full of important nutrients so these can play an essential role in a dogs diet, adding vitamins and goodness that will benefit your dog’s health.

How do bananas help a dogs diet?

Bananas are very low in cholesterol and sodium and they also have good fibre levels in them so they will help your dog to process food. They also have good levels of potassium which will prevent a dog’s potassium level dropping dangerously low.

They also are high in Vitamin B6 and also contain good levels of Vitamin C so this helps to boost your dogs immune system and keep them fit and healthy in the long term.

How much banana should I give my dog?

If you have never given your dog banana before its always wise to be cautious for the first time. In very rare cases your dog could react badly to a new food, so it’s a good idea to give them a small amount initially. Observe them to check for a reaction before you start to regularly into your dog’s diet. Be alert for any signs that your dog might be unwell after giving them the banana.

The quantities you should give your dog depends on many factors such as the size of your dog and the breed. Also, you should take into consideration other dog foods that they eat and the type and composition of these.

All fruits contain sugars so use sparingly as dogs can suffer from canine diabetes which is a common health issue with some dogs, so its good to give little and often.

 How should I introduce banana to a dog’s diet?

There are lots of ways to do this but the obvious one is to mash it up and serve with your dogs food. Its always important to peel your bananas before use as the peel can be very difficult for dogs to digest these.

Another favourite way for your dogs to enjoy these is to mash up with some yoghurt and freeze. This makes a great treat on a hot day and is a healthy way for your dogs to enjoy.

Sometimes owners put this into a Kong dog toy and freeze and then this gives your dog hours of healthy fun as they enjoy.

What fruits should dogs avoid?

As mentioned earlier there are a small minority of fruits that dogs should avoid as they are well known to cause problems. Two that come to mind are grapes and raisins as these can trigger an allergic response and impair kidney function. If you think your dog has eaten these then it would be wise to seek veterinary advice.

Other than that, most soft fruits are perfectly safe for your dogs to eat so strawberry, blackberry and blueberries are all absolutely fine and will benefit a dog’s diet.

Feeding your dog bananas

It’s important to recognize an issue with a dog that suffers an allergic reaction to eating these fruits. So be cautious when you first introduce your dog if your dogs eats bananas and becomes unwell then act fast. The main things to be aware of is a change in your dog’s behaviour.

This could be one or any of the following symptoms:

Excessive scratching and restlessness

Hair loss

Swelling of the face and paws

Excessive panting and breathing difficulties

Diarrhoea and vomiting

If any of these persist always seek veterinary advice and help.


Bananas are perfectly safe for dogs eat bananas and can contribute lots of benefits as part of a healthy balanced diet. Generally dogs love them and as long as you don’t feed them excessive quantities then they are perfectly safe for dogs.

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